Sunday, January 31, 2010


We all Age Someday

There comes a time in everyone's life when we look into the mirror one morning and notice we are starting to age.

It's one thing to finally be treated like an adult but quite another to see lines on your face, sagging skin under your chin or graying hair. You don't need that to vote or to watch the game at a sports bar.

No, this is quite different and it doesn't do much for your self esteem.

Some of us age faster than others and that makes it even more unfair.

Why is it that some people can hold on to youth longer than others? Well, you know some of the reasons, lifestyle, diet, exercise and heredity among others.


Some people's genetic make-up just seems to fight age better than other people's. What is their body doing that allows this to happen?

One thing that is happening is that their cellular structure is out performing other people?s. Their cells are healthier and stronger whereas others, have less healthy cells. It's kind of a breakdown in the cellular structure.

Cellular Breakdown

Cellular breakdown causes aging, bad unhealthy cells are 'corrupting' other, healthier cells and breaking them down as well, thereby, causing somewhat of a chain reaction. Little by little the aging process begins. What's really happening here?

The Reality of It

As we age our cells are not reproducing in as healthy a manner as they did during youthful years. They are lacking nutrition, yes but also your body doesn't regenerate at the same rate as it did when you were younger.

It would be a very complex answer to explain why this happens and way beyond the scope of this article but in simple terms things like the endocrine system of our body which, controls the hormones that regulate many body processes, gets less efficient as we age. Our bodies simply produce lower levels of hormones.

The Elements

Add to this the many pollutants we put into our bodies over the years and we are burning the youth candle at both ends.

We aren't regenerating cells as efficiently and we aren't doing a lot to alleviate that problem.

We need to put up a defense to compensate for youth.


Cells have a natural metabolic process and expel a by-product. This by-product is a toxin and must be flushed from our bodies. Drinking plenty of water helps this process immensely.

Many sources recommend 8 glasses (64 ounces) of water a day. We have all heard of the importance of fiber in our diet. This also cleanses our system as do garlic supplements.


Cleansing your body will help with limiting toxic build-up. A toxic system will break down cells and this leads to faster aging.

It also leads to an acidic PH in your body which not only breaks down cells but also lowers your immunity which makes becoming sick, much more easy.

The Other Side of the Spectrum

On the other side of the spectrum is the regeneration of cells. If you regenerate bad cells they will harm other cells just as a bad apple starts ruining the rest of the apples in a barrel. You can almost liken this to a cancerous effect. The key is to prevent bad cell regeneration.

The Key

The key to preventing the regeneration of bad cells, (the cause of aging) is by regenerating healthy cells, (the prolonging of youth).

Earlier I mentioned the by-products of the cells' metabolic process. In short, all living things expel waste. Clearly, this is what we are talking about.

That's why cleansing and flushing our bodies, is important. It's an oxidation process just like rust or when a sliced apple turns brown.

I also mentioned that bad cells will harm healthy cells.

This happens because bad cells are not complete. They are lacking something and they rob or steal from healthy cells, what they are lacking thereby, making both cells incomplete.

Never Whole Again

Unfortunately, the thieving cell does not become whole, again.

It only causes destruction of the other cell. Now, two cells go out to do the same. And it multiplies.

These types of cells have a name. They are called Free Radicals. You may have heard of them before.

That kind of cellular activity can not only age you more quickly but can lower your immunity so that you would become sickly more often.

Proper Nutrition = Prevention and Healing

Fortunately we have known for some time that proper nutrition can help us to prevent such cellular activity.

The problem then becomes our diet.

Most of the time we aren't eating right but even when we do it's not enough.

Today's food has about one fifth of the nutrition it did forty and more, years ago.

Farming methods that have depleted soils of natural nutrients and over-fertilization have taken a toll on the actual nutrition our produce provides.


Organic farming has put natural, high nutrition back into foods.

This is essential to good nutrition because vitamins can't replace the nutrition of live food.

That's right, live food.

Even after picking produce there is still life in it, until it has totally rotted away.

All of this is important because nutritious food has more vitamins, phyto-nutrients and antioxidants.


This last word, antioxidants, is very important in the fight for anti-aging. Antioxidants and a clean system/body (fluids, fiber etc) will do worlds of good for your quest to retain youth.

Remember Free Radicals?

Remember 'Free Radicals', the bad cells?

Well, it just so happens that antioxidants feed bad cells exactly what they are lacking which, in turn, means they no longer need to attack and rob other healthy cells.

Now you are benefited in two ways.

You are detoxifying your system by having less dying cells through the use of good nutrition and more specifically, antioxidants, but also you are sufficiently cleansing your body with proper hydration and don't forget plenty of fiber.

So Which Foods Have What You Need?

At this time your question should be "Which foods will give me the most antioxidant benefit?"

This is a good question and the answer is fruits and vegetables and the more brightly and darkly colored, the better.

For example, blueberries have more antioxidants than strawberries.

However, don't sell any food short.

All fruits and vegetables have shining qualities and there are things a strawberry has more in abundance than a blueberry. For now we are concerned with antioxidants.

Also, don't forget that organic will outperform non-organic, five to one and wild fruits are even better.


Again, every fruit has it's ace-in-the-hole so you should get variety in your diet.

We are now told that we should get 8-10 servings of fruit a day.

This number keeps going up (remember soil depletion?) and that's why organic is so important.

Purchasing a wide variety of fruits can get expensive, especially when those fruits are organic.

Also, keeping them fresh all week long is next to impossible.

Almost always you will have to discard some of it because it has gone bad.

What's the Simple Solution that Saves Money?

How can you maintain such a diet and keep it within your budget?

You still have other groceries to buy. A wide variety of fruits will include seasonal, tropical fruits which, contain nutrients we don't find in domestic fruits grown here, in the United States.

The cost of such a variety of wild and organic fruits will most likely exceed $50/week and again, you may be discarding $10 worth of that by the end of the week.

Most of us cannot afford that but we may still be interested in getting those nutrients, in a natural way. What can one do?

The Solution

I found a product that has a combination of 19 wild and organic fruits with the Açai berry being the main component.

Açai is now known as the world's Number One Superfood.

It has twenty times the antioxidants of most fruits and more than five times that of blueberries.

It also has Omega 3 and 6 oils and fiber, to boot.

This Ultimate Nutritional Cocktail has other wild and organic fruits in it such as Acerola, Apricot, Aronia, Banana, Bilberry, Blueberry, Camu Camu, Cranberry, Kiwi, Lychee, Nashi Pear, Passion Fruit, Pomegranate, Wolfberry, Prune Pear, White and Purple Grapes.
All of these fruits work in a synergistic fashion to give you an ultimate dose of nutrition and antioxidants.

Four Little Ounces

You get this nutrition by consuming four ounces of the juice, everyday.

This consumption will give you the benefit of eating 13 servings of wild and organic fruit.

No Waste

The beauty of a natural product like this is that you will be consuming ALL OF IT!

There is no waste of rotting product.

Good to the last drop, as they say.

Oh, did I forget to tell you that it is absolutely delicious? Well, it is and with a super intense berry flavor!

This product will not only give you the antioxidants you are looking for to combat Free Radicals, but it is also affordable.

It comes in several formulas geared for heart-healthy concerns, immune system re-enforcement or with glucosamine which is beneficial for your joints.

There is also a totally natural energy drink available.

It provides natural energy from 80% juice and is free of sugar additives such as high fructose corn syrup, glucose or sucrose.

In short, it is real and natural energy, not a sugar high. It is actually healthy for you.

Give it to the Kids

This is a good thing to give to children. It is absolutely delicious, with a super intense berry flavor!

Visit 'click here' to find more information about this wonderful nutritional beverage that delivers more antioxidant benefit than any product I've ever come across. You are not obligated to do or order anything.  You are more than welcome to just use the site for educational purposes.  Read about all of the fruits in this wonderful Anti-Aging, Antioxidant cocktail and how they will benefit you, in a synergistic fashion.  Read some news articles.  Read about Alexander G. Schauss, PhD, FACN, the leading researcher on the açai berry.  This is a very informational site and, of course, you can contact me personally if you would like to know even more about açai, the 'Wonder Cocktail' or the benefits of a diet rich in antioxidants.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


This article is about foods with anti-aging benefits that can extend our lives in many different ways.  This can happen by boosting energy, rejuvenating the body's cells and in many other ways.  I have a list of a few of those foods that are readily available from grocery stores and health food stores.

This information was taken from a book called 'Power Juices, Super Drinks' by Steve Meyerowitz who also wrote 'Juice Fasting And Detoxification'.  Juices concentrate all of the benefits of whatever fruit or vegetable you are juicing which allows you to consume a greater quantity of those benefits just because of the lack of filler you would normally consume through normal eating of said produce.

Natural Healing that can happen through the consuming of natural vitamins, phytonutrients and antioxidants can be propelled immensely with juicing because of the concentrating ability of juicing.  You can drink the juice of a pound of carrots quite easily and your body will love it.  However, your jaw muscles will tire long before you get halfway through eating a pound of carrots, nevermind the full stomach.

I highly recommend juicing and I do it myself.  It will give you a rejuvented feeling immediately.  Therefore I do recommend your looking into buying the books mentioned above.  Pick your ailment or condition and then page through the contents section to find a totally natural recipe for a power juice to help relieve that discomfort.

The foods I am recommending today are not in juice form but were listed in the book as well as herbs, seeds, organic foods and the importance of drinking plenty of pure clean water.  OK, now for those 'Longevity Foods'.

BEE POLLEN:  a mixture of plant pollen, plant nectar and bee saliva.  It's like a super multivitamin and mineral supplement designed and manufactured in nature's laboratory by some of out hardest workers - bees.

Bee polen contains an extensive collection of nutrients and offers a long list of benefits that can extend our lives by building the blood, boosting energy and rejuvenating the body's cells.  High in antioxidants, bee pollen counteracts the effects of aging both mentally and physically.

ROYAL JELLY:  Another bee food.  It contains components that can smooth the wrinkles in aging skin.  It is so valuable that it is fed exclusively to the queen bee.  It is credited with maintaining the queen's larger size and extending her life.  Queen bees live four to five years compared to worker bees, who live approximately 40 days.  Imagine what it might do for us!

SPROUTS:  Alfalfa, radish, broccoli, clove and soybean sprouts contain concentrated amounts of phytochemicals (plant compounds) that can protect us against disease.  The anti-aging benefits of the plant estrogens in these sprouts are similar to those of human estrogen but without the side effects.  They increase bone formation and density and prevent bone breakdown (osteoporosis).  They are helpful in controlling hot flashes, menopause and fybrocystic breast tumors.

Sprouts are in the process of rapid growth and tremendous enzyme activity.  Proteins, vitamins, minerals and other plant compounds are multiplying at a ferocious rate.  Sprouts also contain an abundance of highly active antioxidants that prevent the destruction of DNA and protect us from the ongoing effects of aging.

BREWER'S YEAST:  One of the top protein foods on the planet and our finest source of chromium, phosphorous and potassium.  It is the food of choice for most of the B-complex vitamins, including the elusive B12.  As a major immune-enhancing food, brewer's yeast protects against diseases that shorten life.  Brewer's yeast contains a skin respiratory factor (SRF) that conteracts the aging of skin by bringing more oxygen to the tissues.

GRAPES & BERRIES:  These foods contain a wealth of bioflavonoids and anthocyanidins which, are superb antioxidants.  Found in vascular plants like black currants, blueberries and grapes, bioflavonoids can protect blood vessels and capillaries from oxidative damage and strengthen connective tissue in the body which, weakens with the passage of time.  Grapeseed extract protects us against free radicals that age our vision.

GARLIC:  Garlic and aged garlic extract offer many anti-aging benefits such as improved memory and learning abilities, prevention of atherosclerosis and lower blood pressure.  Animals fed aged garlic extract lived longer than animals fed a placebo.

WHEY:  This is the liquid that separates from the curds during the manufacture of cheese.  Whey protein is absorbed very easily.  The body retains a very high percentage of the protein eaten.  Whey protein contains a growth factor that, when fed to mice, extended lifespan by 30% over those fed milk protein or standard diets.  I have noticed that most, if not all, of the protein powders and mixes in health stores are made from whey.

Clearly there are many more foods that are beneficial to extending life and that also battle the effects of aging.  I will be doing an article on vitamins for longevity, herbs for longevity, nutrients and maybe some other beneficial foods.  The main thought to keep in mind is that although many conditions a person has could be attributable to heredity it doesn't mean you have to take that lying down.  It just means that this person's body doesn't hold onto, or use as efficiently, a certain nutrient.  You can combat that dificiency by taking more of that nutrient than you normally would.  Some cars use a little more oil than others, just do what you have to do equalize the situation.  Keep it running smooth!

Thanks for visiting,

Sunday, October 18, 2009



These remedies are still from an article I read in 'Natural Health' written by Carol Straley.  The above advice was offered by Philip Kingsley, international trichologist, author of The Hair Bible: A Complete Guide To Health And Care (Aurum Press, 2003)


This is the last article on 'Hair Care', for the time being.  We will now take a look at at some Natural Home Remedies for treating an Oily Scalp.  As before, we will take a look at defining the problem, identifying the symptoms and treating the problems.  Again, you will want to remember the advice on 'Feeding Your Scalp' as found in the earlier article on 'Thinning Hair' as good nutrition will  always benefit your health in every aspect.

PROBLEM:  Oil glands work overtime due to shifts in hormonal levels.

SYMPTOMS:  Hair is greasy close to the roots and drier at the ends.

MASSAGE Rx:  Blend 10 drops of cleansing lavender or tea tree pure essential oil with 1 ounce of jojoba or sweet almond oil and massage your scalp for 5 minutes before you shampoo.

DIY EXFLOIATING RECIPE:  Twice a week after you shampoo, try this oil-balancing treatment from hair stylist Russo.

1.  Take 1 egg and beat until foamy, then add 6 tablespoons of natural yogurt.

2.  Apply the mixture to the scalp by partitioning hair and placing it at the roots.  After 15 minutes, rinse it out and condition.

That's pretty much it for this problem.  There are products you should try that have the words 'Scalp Benefit' or 'Scalp Massage Scrub' or 'Oxygenating Scrub Shampoo' in their names.  Ask your pharmacist for a recommendation as I haven't actually tried these products myself and therefore can't really recommend them. 

I do know this, however, they will have some very basic and natural ingredients in them such as Peppermint Oil, Jojoba Oil, Magnolia Bark, Goji Berry, Sage Leaf, Echinacea and other natural ingredients.  Look for that.  I did review the printing on several bottles and they say what they have and tell what the benefits of the ingredients are.

Information like that will educate you on ingredients and their benefits and you will begin to understand the logic and will make better and more informed purchases that will benefit your problem areas as you intended when you went to the store in the first place.  The more you know the better the chance for your success and happiness.

Thanks for viewing and I am actively looking for another area of interest for your benefit.  I will make sure that it is Natural and that it is something you can easily do at home.  Hopefully we can find more areas where you can make your own concoctions.  It's more economical and usually more natural. 

Besides, you know exactly what you're getting that way!  Who knows, with your new found knowledge you may even come up with a mixture of your own that works better than anything you ever tried and that would be a good thing.  Then you could help others!

Until next time,

Wednesday, October 14, 2009



(zinc is found in clams, crabmeat, lean meats, lobster, salmon, peanut butter and pumpkin seeds)

These remedies are still from an article I read in 'Natural Health' written by Carol Straley.  The advice above was offered by Tanya Zuckerbrot, R.D, author of 'The F Factor Diet (Perigee Trade, 2007)


We will now take a look at some Natural Home Remedies for treating dandruff.  Again, we will start by defining the problem, identifying the symptoms and treating the problems.  You will want to remember to 'feed your scalp' as good nutrition will always benefit your health.  Go back to the article on 'Thinning Hair' to reorient yourself with proper dieting.

PROBLEM:  An overgrowth of bacteria that causes dead skin cells to accumulate; can flair up on both oily and dry scalps.

SYMPTOMS:  Flakes on your shoulder.

MASSAGE Rx:  Blend 10 drops of tea tree, eucalyptus, peppermint or bergamot oil with 1 ounce of jojoba or sweet almond oil.  Massage for five to ten minutes before showering.  For a leave-in anti-flaking treatment, mix a small amount of witch hazel with a little mouthwash and rub into your scalp after shampooing, conditioning and towel drying.  Then dry and style as usual.

DIY EXFOLIATING RECIPE:  Try these post-shampooing treatments from salon owner Mario Russo, once a week.


1.  Dip a clean natural-bristle brush into a bowl filled with 1 cup of cornstarch, a natural oil absorber.  Brush through dry hair from roots to ends.

2.  Part hair into sections.  With clean fingertips rub cornstarch into your scalp, then use a brush to work it through your hair for ten minutes, until you've covered your entire head.

3.  Remove coating of cornstarch with a clean brush or comb and rinse.


1.  Add 4 to 5 tablespoons of dried thyme to 2 cups of water and boil for 10 minutes.

2.  Allow it to cool, strain the thyme leaves.

3.  Massage the liquid into your scalp for 10 minutes, wait 30 minutes, rinse and apply conditioner.


Try dermatologist recommended shampoos with zinc.  Look for ones that moisturize your skin.  If you're not sure how to select specific products like these then I would suggest purchasing them at a pharmacy, chain-drug, etc. and ask the pharmacist to make a recommendation.  Let them know you like Natural/Organic products, if possible ;).

I hope you found this informative and that it will be beneficial to you.  It's all natural so it can't hurt you but if it helps you'll know that you did it yourself in a very natural way and that can be very statisfying.  Of course it will also be a healthy rememdy and that will benefit your entire body.  Anytime you can keep unnecessary chemicals out of and/or away from your body it will benefit your body's overall health.

We've come to the end of another (I hope) beneficial article and that leaves us with one more article for Hair Care.  The 'Oily Scalp'.  We will approach it the same way as the previous three articles.  This one is going to be kind of fun to do if you enjoy time in the kitchen.  In the exfoliation treatment you will actually be 'feeding' your scalp, right through your scalp!  However, you must prepare a concoction that requires beating eggs.  Nevermind your Chef hat in the kitchen as you will be applying this mixture directly to your scalp.

Thanks for looking in and I hope you will return.

Thursday, October 8, 2009




These remedies are still from the article I read in ' Natural Health' written by Carol Straley.  The advice above was offered by Heather Woolery-Lloyd, M.D., dermatologist and director of Ethnic Skin Care at Cosmetic Medicine and Research Institute, University of Miami.


OK, let's take a look at some Natural Home Remedies for treating thinning hair.  We'll start by defining the problem, identifying the symptoms, treating the problems and also looking at some ways to feed your scalp.

PROBLEM:  Hair loses strength and thickness; can be caused by crash diets, pulling hair back too tightly or endocrine disorders.  If the following tips don't make your hair stronger and thicker, see your dermatologist.

SYMPTOMS:  Hair becomes finer, shorter and takes up less space, exposing more of the scalp.

MASSAGE Rx:  To strengthen brittle hair, massage a small amount of coconut oil (it strengthens the roots of the hair and conditions the shaft, promoting healthy growth) into your scalp for 5 minutes, working through from roots to ends.  Wrap your head with plastic wrap or a damp towel heated in a microwave.  After 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the length of your hair, rinse out thoroughly.  Repeat twice a week.

DIY HAIR MASK RECIPE:  Once a month, try this treatment from trichologist Veralucia Thompson, founder of the National Center of Trichology in Jacksonville, Florida.

1.  Make a  tea with hibiscus leaves.  When tea is tepid, strain and mix in enough seaweed powder to form a paste.  Seaweed is rich in calcium and minerals essential to healthy hair.

2.  Blend a few drops each of rose, bergamont, geranium, orange and sandlewood oil, then add 1 ounce of jojoba oil.

3.  Scrub your scalp with the oil for 5 minutes to improve blood supply to the area.

4.  Cover hair with a warm towel and plastic wrap for 20 to 30 minutes.

5.  Rinse well, then shampoo and condition (remember, natural and organic products, only).  Allow hair to dry naturally - heat from the dryer can irritate your scalp.



PROTEIN STRENGTHENS HAIR:  Iron-rich protein builds strong keratin, the outer layer of hair and scalp.  'Without it, hair grows more slowly and becomes weak and brittle", says Tanya Zuckerbrot, R.D.  Eat lean meat, fish, low-fat cheese, egg whites, spinach and soy.

VITAMIN C BUILDS COLLAGEN:  Collagen supports hair follicles and keeps blood vessels in the scalp, healthy.  Vitamin C also helps you absorb iron from plant proteins.  Try soy yogurt with an orange, ½ cup of strawberries; or 1 cup of steamed spinach with chopped tomatoes.

SILICA PROMOTES GROWTH:  Silica, a nutrient found in oats, rice, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage and sunflower seeds, supports growth of hair and nails.  You can also take it as a homeopathic remedy, says naturopathic physician Lucille.

BIOTIN IMPROVES TEXTURE:  This essential B vitamin, found in salmon, carrots, egg yolks and sardines, helps form keratin, the protein that strengthens hair, improves texture and stimulates growth.

REGULAR MEALS FORTIFY FOLLICLES:  Food energizes the body and boosts hair follicle activity, says trichologist Pilip Kingsley, who advises snacking on grains, fruits and veggies between meals.

There you have it, home remedies you can use for thinning hair.  Give them a try but remember, if these don't show any results, contact your dermatologist.  Also, remember to use natural and organic shampoos and conditioners to help aid these remedies.  Do everything you can to give these remedies a chance to show you some benefit.

Our next article will be on dandruff which is a problem of an over growth of bacteria.  We will have some natural treatments made of natural ingredients that you can put together, at home and apply to your scalp and hair.  This, as always, will also include some dietary suggestions that are probably essential.

See you next time, thanks for dropping by.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009




I've decided to do a few articles on hair and scalp treatment.  We'll tackle these one at a time starting with 'Dry Scalp'.  The second article will be on 'Thinning Hair', the third article will be on 'Dandruff' and lastly we will have an article on an 'Oily Scalp'.

It's interesting how I came across these 'self-help' home remedies.  I was getting new tires put on my car at a Firestone and decided to wait in the TV room.  The 'Soap Opera' was getting old, fast, so I decided to grab a magazine to read.  As I was looking through all of the boring car mags and children's books a particular magazine immediately caught me eye.


I love to cook, I love the Food Network, I love her recipes and watching her cook and ........  well ............ I guess I kind of like her too but don't tell anyone!!!  Anyway, after reading that article I came across another.  It was called 'Healthy Hair Secrets'.  It was written by Carol Straley and and looked quite interesting.  Here's what she said.


"You may not believe that when your head itches too often, you regularly find flakes on your shoulders or your hair is dull and thinning, but it's true.  The secret is to start with your scalp - if it's healthy your hair will be, too".

"Since the scalp is often overlooked, most of of us don't know how to care for it.  To help, this guide was created for every hair type (dry, thinning, flaky and oily).  Once you determine your problem, follow the tips provided and try these effective home remedies - and enjoy healthier, silkier hair".


PROBLEM:  Dry, moisture-sapped skin surrounding the hair folicles.

SYMPTOMS:  Tight feeling or itchy scalp when the humidity drops; small flakes of dry skin that land on the shoulders.

MASSAGE RX:  Mix 10 drops of a moisturizing pure essential oil such as lavender or sandlewood with 1 ounce of sweet almond or jojoba oil.  For sensitive scalps, use straight jojoba oil, says Marc Zollicoffer, Aveda global spa educator.  Massage for 5 minutes before showering.

DIY EXFOLIATING RECIPE:  Try one of these recipes from Mario Russo, owner of Salon Mario Russoin Boston Mass. and Stowe, Vermont.


1. After shampooing, massage 1 tablespoon of olive oil into the scalp and onto you hair from roots to ends.

2. Wrap head with plastic wrap or a damp towel, heated in the microwave, to trap the oil and let it soak in.  Wait at least 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the length of your hair.

3. Rinse out thoroughly and follow with conditioner.

4. Repeat once a week if hair is coarse; once a month is sufficient for normal hair.


1. Heat ½ cup of apple cider vinegar.

2. Let it cool a bit but while it's still warm, gently massage it into your scalp.  The acid in apple cider vinegar helps restore the scalp's PH balance.

3. Cover your head with a towel or shower cap.

4. After 30 to 40 minutes, rinse with plain water.


It is my opinion and recommendation that you should use natural and organic hair care products at any time but most definitely when you are trying to clean out hair folicles and rebalance your scalp's PH.  Regular shampoo can strip hair and will remove coloring or highlights (if you use any) and mediocre conditioner is like massaging parafin wax into your hair folicles.

Also, you may want to hydrate your hair and scalp with a natural treatment product once a week.  I will be looking into some of these products and may even have a suggestion.  However, just ask when you are at the store if you aren't sure. 

Purchase these products where LOTS of natural products are carried because they will most likely have a knowledgeable person there that is actually into this kind of stuff.  That's what you're looking for.  People that use these kinds of products and know all about them or can easily find an answer for you.

Well, there they are, home remedies for a dry scalp and natural to boot.  Have fun and we'll see you next time with some natural home remedies for thinning hair and remember;



Tuesday, September 8, 2009



This was written by Becky Ransey of Indiana.

"I would like to tell you of the benefits of that plain little old brown bottle of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide you can get for under $1.00 at any drug store.  My husband has been in the medical field for over 36 years and most doctors don't tell you about peroxide or they would lose thousands of dollars".

1. Take one capful (the little cap that comes with the bottle) and hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out. (I do it when I bathe)

No more canker sores and your teeth will be whiter without expensive toothpastes.  Use it instead of mouthwash.  (The small print says mouthwash and gargle right on the bottle.)

2. Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of Peroxide to keep them free of germs.

3. Clean your counters and tabletops with Peroxide to kill germs and leave a fresh smell.  Simply put a little on your dish rag when you wipe or spray it on counters.

4. After rinsing off your wooden cutting board, pour Peroxide on it to kill salmonella and other bacteria.

5. I had fungus on my feet, for years, until I sprayed a 50/50 mixture of Peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry.

6. Soak any infections or cuts in 3%  Peroxide for five to ten minutes several times a day.  My husband has seen gangrene that would not heal with any medicine but was healed by soaking in Peroxide.

7. Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 mixture of Peroxide and water and keep it in every bathroom to disinfect without harming your septic system like bleach or most other disinfectants will.

8. Tilt your head back and spray into nostrils with your 50/50 mixture whenever you have a cold or plugged sinuses.  It will bubble and help kill the bacteria.  Hold for a few minutes then blow your nose into a tissue. 

9. If you terrible toothache and cannot get to a dentist right away, put a capful of Peroxide into your mouth and hold it for ten minutes several times a day.  The pain will lessen considerably.

10. Of course, if you like a natural look to your hair, spray the 50/50 solution on your wet hair after showering and comb it through.  You will not have the Peroxide burnt blonde hair like the hair dye packages, but more natural highlights if your hair is light brown, reddish or dirty blonde.  It also lightens gradually so it's not a drastic change.

11. Put half a bottle of Peroxide in your bath to help get rid of boils, fungus or other skin infections.

12. You can also add a cup of Peroxide instead of bleach to a load of whites in your laundry to whiten them.  If there is blood on clothing, pour directly on the soiled spot.  Let it sit for a minute, then rub it and rinse with cold water.  Repeat if necessary.

13. I use Peroxide to clean my mirrors with and there is no smearing which is why I love it so much, for this. 

I could go on and on.  It is a little brown bottle no home should be without!  With prices of most necessities rising, I'm glad there's a way to save tons of money in such a simple, healthy manner.

Send this on to others who might need to know the benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide.

Well folks, there you have it, some very good, as well as, interesting facts about the benefits of  Hyrodogen Peroxide, thanks to Becky Ransey of Indiana.  

I would just like to add one of my own uses to this list.  When I brush my teeth (and I like using a natural toothpaste with Tea Tree Oil) instead of wetting my toothbrush with water I put about a capful of Peroxide in my mouth right before brushing.  WOW!!! What cleansing action!  This really gets the toothpaste foaming while killing germs and whitening your teeth for an extremely clean and refreshing feeling.  Try it!

I hope you found this helpful as well as interesting and thanks for stopping by.  I will have more helpful information for you next time.  See you then.
